Welcome to the Heritage Foundation blog. Here you'll find the latest blogs from our staff, community groups and more. If you'd like to contribute a blog, please do get in touch via our response@letchworth.com email address.
As the Standalone 10k prepares for it’s 30th anniversary race this Sunday, we spoke to Richard Harbon, President of the North Herts Road Runners, to get his memories of the event and a bit more besides.
Ellen Grosvenor, nan of the BID’s Tom Hardy, moved to Letchworth in 1929 and has got many tales and experiences of what life in Letchworth means to her.
Our Head of Strategic Planning David Ames has had quite a busy summer, meeting with a delegation from China, visiting York and even taking time during his holiday to visit one of Florida’s garden city developments.
As we head towards their 30th anniversary celebration at Broadway Cinema & Theatre, we spoke to Peter Griffiths, about the changes since the group was founded in 1987 and their plans for the future.
As we head towards their 30th anniversary celebration at Broadway Cinema & Theatre, we spoke to George Barnes, LALG’s recently appointed chairman, looking back at what has changed since the group’s inception in 1987 their his plans for the future.
As the end credits on The Limehouse Golem started to roll, I found myself in that most peculiar – and uncomfortable – place for a reviewer of films: and that was quite at a loss for things to say.