Below you can find the latest applications that have been made for Landlord's Consent & Consent under the Scheme of Management. Documents 31 Pixmore Avenue - Single storey rear extension - 42898 10 Sollershott East - Single storey rear extension - 42883 78 Baldock Road - Removal of hedge to front garden between 76 and 78 Baldock Road - 42884 73 Spring Road - Frontage alterations - 42807 12 Farthing Drive - Flue to side gable - 42710 168 Icknield Way - Frontage alterations and new wall - 42857 70 Hawthorn Hill - Two storey side and rear extension, alterations to garage roof (revised scheme) - 42238 11 Glebe Road - Single storey side and rear extensions - 42826 16 Lordship Lane - Alteration to garage roof - 42825 18 Cashio Lane - Demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of new outbuilding - 42797 33 South View - Single storey and two storey rear extensions, replacement windows, obscure glass to front window and altered fenestration to SE elevation - 42794 150 Grange Road - Frontage alterations - 42767 139 Baldock Road - Tree House in garden - 42707 3 Cashio Lane - Two storey rear extension - 42790 38 Lawrence Avenue - Single storey rear and side extension - 42789 513 Broadway - Outbuilding - 42783 14 Bowershott - Frontage alterations - 42757 10b Monks Close - Outbuilding in rear garden - 42657 Guysfield Residential Home - Redevelopment to form new 70 bed care home - 42708 1 Norton Road - Outbuilding to south side of property - 42665 68 Cowslip Hill - Frontage alterations - 42628 81 Pasture Road - Garage in front of building line (retrospective) - 42620 47 Hallmead - Frontage alterations (retrospective) - 42599 2 Eastholm - Two storey rear extension, two dormer window with in roof PV array - 42618 13 Haselfoot - Dormer to rear elevation, rooflight to side elevation - 42584 20 Sollershott East - Rear extension, new garage and replacement windows - 42600 53 Lawrence Avenue - Part single, part two storey rear extension, first floor side extension - 42589 225 Glebe Road - Two storey side extension - 42466 236 Rushby Mead - Frontage alterations - 42537 153 Baldock Road - Two storey rear extension, replacement roof to single storey side roofline, replacement of windows and doors, removal of conservatory and boiler room, frontage alterations - 42520 46 Willian Way - Single storey side extension, new porch, dormer to rear elevation, widening of existing windows, alter existing rear door to window, frontage alterations - 42504 The Nest, Nevells Green - Alteration to driveway - 42502 4 Wheat Hill - Air source heat pump - 42377 22 Baldock Road - Part single, part double rear extensions, removal of chimney to rear and installation of rooflights and sunlight to rear, removal of garage door and replacement with a window - 42486 5 Croft Lane - Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension following demolition of garage - 42461 29 Bell Acre - Front Hardstanding - 42421 10 Norton Road - Single storey rear extension, frontage alterations - 42359 77 Baldock Road - Frontage alterations - 42319 5 Gorst Close - Ground Floor Side Extension - 42264 9 Sollershott West - Bay windows, bi-fold doors and rooflight to rear of garage, rooflights, porch, French doors - 42204 10 Newlands - Single storey rear extension - 42139 1 Norton Road - The reinstatement/conversion of two dwellings into an original single dwelling. Internal and external alterations, replacement of windows, the creation of a single storey rear extension. Addition of solar panels on the pitched roof - 41935 11 Eastholm Green - Two storey rear extension, replacement windows, partial re-roofing - 41624 28 Pasture Road - Demolition of existing rear extension. Single storey rear extension, first floor side extensions, raising of roof, replacement chimney, replacement windows, dormer window and rooflights, frontage alterations - 41101 52 Campers Avenue - External Wall Insulation and alterations to window and door openings, rain water goods and other details - 41059 49 Campers Avenue - External Wall Insulation and alterations to window and door openings, rain water goods and other details - 44058
Application process We strive to work closely with property owners so that any alterations can take place as smoothly as possible. Learn more about the application process to alter your home and how to contact us with any questions. Read More about Application process
Altering your home Our Scheme of Management exists to preserve Letchworth's distinct character as a Garden City. Find out more about it here. Read More about Altering your home