I recently attended a meeting with the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion panel at the Heritage, and was compelled at the effort the team were making to understand the lives, and experiences of people who reside in Letchworth but do come from all different walks of life. Having lived in Letchworth since 1997, I have grown up here, and now have children who call Letchworth their home. Seeing the town change to suit their needs as children from an ethnic and mixed British background it is vital that we shape the Heritage to provide the best future we can for the next generation, regardless of sex, creed, or colour. In my volunteer role as Head of the Ladies group for the AMA I understand the needs of ladies, and am quite adept with working in the voluntary sector, regularly seeing the challenges faced by communities with different needs.
I feel I will be able to provide a unique perspective to the role not only from my diverse background, but also in my daily job. Part of my job, and my career path has been to create a strategy for an account, communicate this, and present it back. I am regularly presenting and communicating with clients so feel I would be a strong candidate to help contribute to creating a vision for the heritage, and be able to drive it forward.
- General Governor