If you run a business in Letchworth, your views are needed to help inform the creation of a new Local Industrial Strategy.
The Hertfordshire LEP, in partnership with Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation, and as part of their Local Industrial Strategy stakeholder engagement process, are seeking businesses to give their views on the first garden city as a ‘place to do business’. The findings will be used to stimulate more detailed discussions on its economic potential and how the Local Industrial Strategy can help influence this outlook.
About Local Industrial Strategies
Local Enterprise Partnerships have been tasked with developing Local Industrial Strategies to help create more prosperous communities and tackle the vast regional and local disparities that exist across the UK. The Hertfordshire LEP Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) will bring together a strong, well-informed evidence base about an area’s economy and outline a long-term set of priorities that capitalise on existing opportunities in the economy, address weaknesses and resolve an area’s needs.
Follow the link to take part in the survey - http://survey.sqw.co.uk/s/5Y7JQ/