Jackmans’ Stories is a project created by One Community Museum, part of Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation (LGCHF). Earlier this year, the Museum began working with the local community to discover the stories of people who live or have lived on the estate and what makes the Jackmans estate a unique part of Letchworth’s history.
Letchworth Urban District Council began constructing the Jackmans estate in 1959 and it was completed in 1973. The first residents moved in in 1962 – 60 years ago. The Jackmans Stories celebrates this 60th anniversary.

As part of a special programme funded by a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, this Summer we are exploring the history of the Jackmans neighbourhood by collecting stories, putting on displays, holding a free community event, and offering free dance workshops.
Monday 29th August
FREE DANCE and DRAMA Stories workshops at Jackmans Community Centre!
Dance moves from 60s to 2000s
10 - 10.45am: 5 to 8 years
11 - 11.45am: 9 to 12 years
4 - 6pm: Drama workshops for all ages based on the Jackman’s Stories project.
Looking for Young Jackman’s volunteers to be part of a performance on Monday 29 August - please contact Gill.

To book your child’s place please contact our friendly Community Curator, Gill, by email gillian.riding@letchworth.com or phone 07598 193223
60s Celebration – food, craft, music and displays
12 – 4pm at Jackmans Community Centre
FEATURING special displays on the history of the area and Jackman’s stories.
- 60s inspired Drop-in Craft sessions
- Live Music with The 60s Relived – featuring emerging stars from music industry and performing 1960s songs
- Special Young Jackman’s performance
- Jackman’s Stories production