Jubilee Grants – Creating and Celebrating Connections

Funding of up to £750 is open to voluntary and community organisations with charitable aims who are either based in Letchworth or organise and run groups and activities that benefit Letchworth residents.

At the heart of the fund is the purpose of encouraging people to celebrate their social connections by getting to know each other a little bit better and coming together in a spirit of fun and friendship.

The activity must take place on or around 3-6 June, the list shown below is offered to prompt thinking around activities that bring people together and could be eligible for funding:

  • Events such as the Big Lunch
  • Community based events hosted by Community Centres
  • Activities or events hosted by community groups either independently or in groups
  • Events in settings such as independent living schemes where residents may not be able to access community based events
  • Creative organisations hosting events to showcase or learn new skills
  • Activities that utilise cultural the creative arts practitioners to compliment a planned activity or event such as dance, visual arts, music, theatre, literature and museums
  • Street Parties organised in conjunction with local rules and regulations e.g. Road closures, etc.

Due to the limited time between now and the Jubilee weekend, applications are being considered on a rolling weekly basis between 16th March and 22nd April.

For further information please read the guidance notes, the online form can be accessed here. For a printable copy click here.

If you would like to talk through a proposal or further information please email Grants@Letchworth.com or phone 07714521567.