Growing Letchworth
"Drawing on Ebenezer Howard’s original vision for Letchworth, our proposal is for a vibrant, economically and environmentally sustainable development which supports and involves a growing community. Our landscape-led masterplan embeds the principles of urban agriculture, landscape maintenance and land management training into the core of the place, celebrating connections to the rural landscape and providing new facilities for the whole town.
Key to this masterplan is a strong relationship with the environment. The landscape infrastructure draws on the existing green routes through the site. It extends and connects to the Garden City Greenway, offering different types of recreational space in Letchworth to attract people from the existing town and surrounding areas. This will create an active and recognizable place before the community is established."
Below you are able to download the Design Statement for Growing Letchworth as well as the accompanying board plans and details. There is also an image gallery with visual representations of how the new homes and estate might look.