Here’s our round-up of some events over the coming week, compiled by the Discover Letchworth Centre, also available in The Comet. For more information visit the Discover Letchworth website here.
Duplicate Bridge Club: Today, Thursday. Play starts at 1.15pm and finishes at 4.15pm. At the Cloisters, Cloisters Road. Every Thursday. For further details please telephone John Biggs on 01462 433393.
Open Door Coffee Morning: Today, Thursday. Coffee morning with free refreshments. At Letchworth Free Church, Norton Way South. From 10.30am until 12pm.
Forty Plus Cycling Club: Today, Thursday. This week’s ride is to Marston Moretaine Forest Centre. Next week’s ride is to The Strathmore Arms with GCW. Meet at 10.30am. At the Three Magnets, 18-20 Leys Avenue. For more details call Geoff, the ride organiser on 01582 618196.
The Arts Society – The Dead Sea Scrolls in Context: Today, Thursday. Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. From 11am - 12.15pm. Visitors £7. For more information visit
Willian Bowls Club Open Days: Today, Thursday and Tuesday, August 13. Willian Bowls Club are 100 years old! Try Centenary Bowls at one of the clubs open days, with friendly tuition for new bowlers. At Lower Green, Norton Common, Icknield Way. Thursday 6pm – 8pm and Tuesday 2pm – 4pm. For more details call 01462 642790 or visit
Letchworth Natural History Society – Friday Evening Strolls: Friday, August 9. Ickleford, past Gerries hole and back via the river Purwell and Oughton. Meet at Ickleford Church TL 183317. What better way to spend a summer evening than joining this LNHS for a circular stroll of about three miles. Starts 7 pm All very welcome. For more details on the programme visit
Drift Away Harp Relaxation with Julia Mitchell: Friday, August 9. Drift Away sessions are designed to provide a space for you to leave normal life behind and completely relax to the sound of the small therapy harp. Bring a mat, pillow and blanket and take the time to rest. At Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Rosehill Hospital, Hitchin Road. From 7.15pm for 7.30pm – 8.15pm. Cost £14 includes refreshments by Nourish. For more details and to book contact Jaqui Derrick 01462 678804, or
Growers’ Market: Saturday, August 10. Letchworth and District Organic Gardeners provides the Growers’ Market - a stall for growers to swap their homegrown produce and for non-growers to buy. Reduce food miles, swap and buy locally home grown produce, or better still join their friendly organic gardening group. At The Wynd. From 9am - 1pm. For more details visit or e-mail For Gardening Group e-mail
Saturday Social Dance: Saturday, August 10. Come along for an evening of Sequence and Ballroom dancing. At Letchworth Free Church Hall, Norton Way South. From 7.30pm to 10pm. Admission £5.00. Everyone welcome. For more details call Janice on 07766 685679.
Family Arts Studio – Creative Clay: Sunday, August 11. Join artist Chantelle Stephenson for a hands-on craft activity in the Studio. At Broadway Studio and Gallery, 2 The Arcade. From 10am - 10.45am, 10.45am - 11.30am, 11.30am - 12.15pm, and 12.15pm - 1pm. Please check in at the gallery info desk upon arrival to receive a free timed ticket for one of the timeslots. Family Arts Studio activities are open to all but are primarily aimed at accompanied children aged 3+ and families. For more details call 01462 476110 or email
Standalone Farm – Falconry Displays: Monday, August 12 to Friday, August 16. Two displays per day and these are included in normal entrance prices. For times and more details call 01462 686775 or visit
Herts Health Walks: Monday, August 12. Enjoy the countryside and local green spaces, with these free walks led by qualified volunteer leaders. Chose a stroll or a 2-mile walk. Meet at Three Magnets, Leys Avenue at 10.30am. For more details on this and more walks visit or call 01992 588433. No booking required, just turn up.
Magical Melodies – Blasts from the Past Workshop with Helen King: Monday, August 12. Sing along to well-loved and known songs from the past. In this informal workshop, we will revisit favourite songs, in a relaxed and gentle environment. Listen, and join in with songs and activities. Includes refreshments (a break for 20 minutes in the middle of the session) and song sheets. At Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Rosehill Hospital, Hitchin Road. From 2pm – 4.30pm. Cost: £15 per workshop includes refreshments. For more details and to book contact Jaqui Derrick 01462 678804, or
Vintage Swing Dance Classes: Monday, August 12. Learn to swing dance, jitterbug and jive! Whether you are an absolute beginner with 2 left feet or a seasoned pro, these weekly swing dance classes have something for everyone. No partner or pre-booking required. At Brotherhood Hall, Gernon Road. From 8pm – 11pm. Admission £10 includes two classes, social/practice time and refreshments. For more details
Beginner’s Yoga: Tuesday, August 13. Learn the foundations of yoga in a clear and easy to follow class. At St Thomas Church Hall, 103 Bedford Road. From 7pm to 8pm. For more details and to book call Jodie on 07902 012598 or email
North Herts Road Runners: Tuesday, August 13 and Thursday 15. North Herts Road Runners is a lively, friendly and sociable running club with around 150 members that meet every Tuesday and Thursday. Meet at Spirella Building Reception, Bridge Road (car park entrance off Icknield Way). At 7.15pm. For more information visit or
Herts Health Walks: Wednesday, August 14. Enjoy the countryside and local green spaces, with these free walks led by qualified volunteer leaders. Chose a stroll, 1 - 2 mile or 3-mile walk. Meet at St George’s Church Hall, Common View. At 10am. For more details on this and more walks visit or call 01992 588433. No booking required, just turn up.
Garden City Court Lunch Club: Wednesday, August 14. An over 60s monthly lunch club, with a two-course hot lunch and soft drink. Come with friends or make new friends and stay for the afternoon quiz. Arrive at 12.45pm for 1pm service. At Garden City Court, Whiteway, Jackmans Estate. Your first lunch is free, £5 thereafter. For more details and to book call 01462 473100 or email Dietary requirements must be stated when booking.
Summer of Fun: On now until Friday, August 30. Join Garden Square Shopping Centre for a fun packed summer of events. With Mega Monday, Workshop Wednesday and Fitness Friday all in Garden Square Shopping Centre. For more details visit