Your guide to some of the events happening over this coming week in the Garden City, compiled by Discover Letchworth, also available in The Comet.
Art & Exhibitions
This Muddy Eden: Thursday, February 27.. Celebrate the opening of this joint exhibition by contemporary figurative artists Hannah Brown and Christopher Orr. Taking its title from a line in a book on Victorian Utopias, this Muddy Eden brings together two ostensibly figurative artists, who both draw from and play with conventions of art history. To the casual eye, both artists, work could appear wholly conventional dark figurative landscapes that wouldn’t look out of place hung next to a John Constable or J.M.W. Turner. Viewers that invest a little more time, however, will find something more perplexing and unusual in their works. At Broadway Gallery, 2 The Arcade. from 6.30pm – 8,30pm. The exhibition will on from Friday, 28 February until Sunday 26 April. Opening times Wednesday to Saturday 10am to 5pm and Sundays 10am to 4pm.
The Arts Society North Hertfordshire - Grinling Gibbons Carver to the Crown: Thursday, March 5. Caroline Knight presents Grinling Gibbons (1648 – 1721) came to England from the Netherlands and developed a virtuoso style of carving, well suited to the Baroque interior of late 17th century England. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. From 11am - 12.15pm. Visitors £7. For more information visit
Health & Wellbeing
NH Forty Plus Cycling Club: Thursday, February 27. This week’s ride is to Breachwood Green, with lunch at The Red Lion. Next week’s ride is to Bassingbourn, with lunch at The Hoops. Meet at 10.30am. At The Three Magnets, 18-20 Leys Avenue. For more details call Geoff, the ride’s organiser on 07770 600370 or visit www.40plusccnherts/home.
Caring Yoga with Saibhung Kaur: Friday, February 28. Kundalini Yoga, chair to mat. This is a term time weekly drop-in class aimed at re-discovering vitality, joy and inner peace. Ideal for carers and those living with long-term conditions, the Kundalini Yoga postures can be adapted to meet most needs and can be done on a chair or on a mat. At The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. From 1.45pm – 3pm. Cost £5 per session. For more information visit
Squash Girls Can: Sunday: March 1. An 8-week course that is open to all ladies and girls who wish to learn the basics of squash in a fun and relaxed group environment. There will be 8 one-hour sessions. Cost £10 per person, per session. Places are limited to 12. At Letchworth Sports and Tennis Club, Muddy Lane. Starts 3pm. Call reception on 01462 675444 to book.
Letchworth Natural History Society – Sunday Ramble: Sunday, March 1. Join the group on their ramble from Norton Green to Armshoebury, to see spring flowers and birds. Meeting at Norton Green (under the motorway from Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage) TL 228233 at 10am. Bring a packed lunch and a drink for the day.
T’ai Chi sessions with Ian Deavin: Monday, March 2. T’ai Chi is an ancient form of gentle stylised movement well known for its ability to strengthen leg muscles, improve balance, still the mind and enhance general health. At The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. Monday 12.30pm – 1.30pm, Friday 9.45am – 10.45am. Cost £6 per session. For more information visit
Mindful Meditation with Neelam Taneja: Monday, March 2. These weekly drop-ins offer a very special opportunity to experience great peace and stillness with a master of meditation. There is no fixed fee, but a donation is suggested– which goes to support our charitable work to fund young people’s Mindfulness programmes. At The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. From 12.45pm – 1.30pm. For more information visit
Active Letchworth – Qigong (Tai Chi): Tuesday , March 3. Based on Tai Chi, Qigong focuses on breathing and movement to relax the body, relieve stress and improve your flexibility and co-ordination. These sessions can help to reduce risk of falls. At Tabor Court, Beech Hill. From 10.30am – 11.15am. Cost £1 per class, first 6 sessions free. To find out more and to book call 07826 671384.
Beginner’s Yoga: Tuesday, March 3. Learn the foundations of yoga in a clear and easy to follow class. At St Thomas Church Hall, Bedford Road. From 7pm to 8pm. For more details and to book call Jodie on 07902 012598 or email
Herts Health Walks: Wednesday, March 4. Enjoy the countryside and local green spaces, with these free walks led by qualified volunteer leaders. Chose a stroll, 1 - 2 mile or 3 mile walk. Meet at St George’s Church Hall, Common View. At 10am. For more details visit or call 01992 588433. No booking required, just turn up.
Gentle Yoga and Meditation Class: Wednesday, March 4. Enjoy a gentle and relaxing yoga practice followed by a guided meditation. At St Michael’s Parish Hall, Broadway. From 10.30am – 11.45am. For more details and to book call Jodie on 07902 012598 or email or
Film,Theatre, Music and Dance
Letchworth Recorded Music Society: Friday February 28. Featuring ‘Music by the Book’ by Ken Nelms. At The Settlement, 229 Nevells Road. Starts at 7.30pm. Guests £2.50. New members and visitors welcome. For more details call Judie on 01462 632171.
Agrippina: Saturday, February 29. Met Opera: Handel’s tale of intrigue and impropriety in ancient Rome receives its first Met performances, with star mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato as the controlling, power-hungry Agrippina and Harry Bicket conducting. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts at 5.40pm. Tickets £21 includes a complimentary drink on arrival. For more information and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
Rich Hall’s Hoedown Deluxe: Sunday, March 1. Rich Hall’s comedy/music locomotive keeps on rollin’. Ever-evolving, ever-changing. At Broadway Theatre, Eastcheap. Starts at 7.30pm. Tickets £19. Age guidance 12+. For more information and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
Letchworth Film Club: Sunday, March 1. This month’s film club screening is Cul-de-sac. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts at 7.45pm. Annual membership £33, concessions and LALG members £28. Guests £5, concessionary guests £4 on the door. For more details call Peter on 01462 671679 or visit
North Herts Organ Society Concert: Wednesday, March 4. Enjoy live music played by professional electronic organists, on the first Wednesday of the month. At The Icknield Centre, Icknield Way. Doors open 7pm, concert starts 7.30pm. Entry £6 members, visitors £7. For more information or to book call Alan Marshall on 01462 671991 or email:
Kids & Families
Little Smashers: Thursday, March 5. Music and French Parent and Toddler Group. At St Francis College, Broadway. From 9.15am – 10am. Cost is £2 per child or £1 per sibling. For more information call 01462 670511.
Talks, Lectures and Tours
The Lonely Sea and Sky - Sir Francis Chichester: Friday, February 28. Ex Concorde pilot John Hutchinson returns here to give a talk: The lonely sea and the sky – Sir Francis Chichester, supreme navigator. At The Settlement, 229 Nevells Road. Starts at 7.30pm, cost £10 (includes a glass of wine).
Tree Grafting: Saturday, February 29. The Heritage Foundation invite you to create your own grafted apple tree to take home and plant! The course is suitable for anyone with an interest is gardening (All levels) Unfortunately children are unable to attend this event. Please bring sturdy shoes/boots and snacks (Tea/Coffee and water will be provided). At Standalone Farm, Wilbury Road. From 10am to 2pm, cost is £5.98. For more information and to book visit
Building Beautifully in Concrete with Tim Parrott: Saturday February 29.
This course focuses on some of the buildings and bridges we love today, and which could not have been built in any other material. At The Settlement, 229 Nevells Road. From 10.30am – 3.30pm. Cost £30. For further information and to book visit
Transport and Industrial Heritage Group: Tuesday, March 3. This Letchworth Arts and Leisure Group meets on the first Tuesday monthly to listen to a speaker. The subjects of the talks, with the theme of Transport and Industrial Heritage, range from Concorde to Wind and Watermills. At Jackman’s Community Centre, Ivel Court. Starts 8pm. Admission on the night £5. No need to book, just turn up. For more details on this week’s talk visit Group contact: Richard Hamilton on 01462 434828.
Town & Community Events
Lent Lunches: Friday, February 28. Come and enjoy homemade soup, coffee, tea and a friendly chat. All proceeds in aid of the Parish of Letchworth Fund. At Letchworth Parish Hall, Broadway. From 12pm – 2pm.
North Herts Stamp Club: Friday, February 28. This month’s subject is the Isle of Man Part Two by Mr D Belton. All philatelists welcome. At Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South. From 7pm for 7.15pm. For more information call 01462 635752.
Wilbury Community Café: Saturday, February 29. Join us for drinks and cakes, with family play session, craft knitting and Lego. Plus pennies & pounds stall, uniform stall and Tesco's Best Before groceries. We have a special saxophone performance. At Wilbury Hall, Bedford Road. From 10.45am and 1.30pm.
The Letchworth 10 - Week 7 – Best 3 Minute Living Statue: Saturday, February 29. Week 7 of 10 weeks of the most crazy and funniest competitions… ever! Ready… Steady… Still! £250 cash prize. At The Platform, Station Road. From 11am – 3pm. Free entry prior to event. Entry on the day £10. Entrants fee £10. Open to all. For more information visit
Partners Whist Drive: Thursday, March 5. Whist drive with tea and biscuits at half time, door to door transport is also available for Letchworth residents on the Heritage Bus. At Langleigh, Grange Estate. Starts at 12.45pm. For more information call Ossie 01462 675953.
Duplicate Bridge Club: Thursday, March 5. Try your hand at bridge at this weekly club. At The Cloisters, Barrington Road. From 1.15pm – 4.15pm. For more details call John Biggs on 01462 433393.
Letchworth Heritage Bridge Club: Monday, March 2. Already a player. This group meet on Monday at 1pm. All players welcome, members £2.50, visitors £3.50. Also a relaxed learning group for beginners and improvers on Fridays at 9.30am. At Fortescue Hall, Pixmore Way (Broadway end). For more details call Marion Watkins on 01462 730289.
Charity Coffee Morning: Wednesday, March 4. Care for a Cuppa? Join us at our coffee morning in aid of Garden House Hospice Care. At Letchworth Garden City Church, Icknield Way (next to the Esso petrol station). From 10.30am - 12pm. For more information call Christine on 07784 736562 or email