Here’s our round-up of some events over the coming week, compiled by Discover Letchworth, also available in The Comet. For more information visit the Discover Letchworth website here.
The Greatest Show: Today, Thursday until Sunday, October 27. A family variety spectacular, the group have been performing shows for 39 years and this year our beneficiaries are Feed Up, Warm Up and Above and Beyond Cancer Foundation. At St Francis' College Theatre, Broadway. Matinee 2pm and evening performance 7.30pm. Tickets £9 and Concessions £7.
Don Pasquale: Today, Thursday. Royal Opera House: Royal Opera favourite Bryn Terfel heads the cast for this new production of Donizetti’s comedy of domestic drama across two generations. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts at 7.15pm. Tickets £18 includes a complimentary drink on arrival. For more information and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
North Herts Stamp Club: Friday, October 25. This month’s subject is South African Surprise by Bob Hill. All philatelists welcome. At Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South. From 7pm for 7.15pm. For more information call 01462 635752.
Wind in the Willows Crafts and Storytelling: Friday, October 25. The cast of Broadway Theatre’s Christmas show Wind in the Willows will be visiting Standalone Farm, Wilbury Road. Included Wind in the Willows inspired arts and crafts from 11.30am – 3pm, storytelling at 1.45 pm, with a meet, greet and photo opportunity with the cast at 2.30pm. (times and activities may be subject to change without notice). Cost included in normal entrance prices. Farm open daily 10am - 5pm. For more information visit
Letchworth Recorded Music Society: Friday, October 25. Featuring ‘Eric Coates – A Master Orchestrator’ by Brian Foreman. At The Settlement, 229 Nevells Road. Starts at 7.30pm. Guests £2.50. New members and visitors welcome. For more details call Judie on 01462 632171.
Letchworth Lace Day: Saturday, October 26. If you are interested in lace making then this event is for you. With speaker Peter Ball on the Knights Templar. At The Settlement, 229 Nevells Road. From 10am – 4pm. All-day entry £5 includes refreshments. To reserve tickets call Gill Richardson on 07486 564352 or email Shoppers ticket for the morning only is £1.50 which includes refreshments, available on the door.
Pumpkin Carving – Standalone Farm: Saturday, October 26 and Sunday 27. Sick of not knowing the best way to cut and carve your pumpkin? Tired of having to deal with all the mess? Feel like the pumpkin waste should be better used? We’re having a pumpkin carving weekend of spooky fun to solve all your problems! Pumpkins are provided but we only have a limited supply so make sure you come early or bring your own to avoid disappointment. At Standalone Farm, Wilbury Road. Carving from 11am – 3.30pm and are included in normal entrance prices. Farm open daily 10am - 5pm. For more information visit
Halloween Fun stall: Saturday, October 26. In aid of the Garden House Hospice, tombola, spooky cake sales, games and prizes for the children and 50% off all Halloween decorations and makeup kits. Outside the Garden House Hospice Shop, Eastcheap.
Manon: Saturday, October 26. Met Opera: Exhilarating soprano Lisette Oropesa stars as the irresistible title character, the tragic beauty who yearns for the finer things in life, in Laurent Pelly’s revealing production. Tenor Michael Fabiano is the besotted Chevalier des Grieux, whose desperate love for Manon proves their undoing. Maurizio Benini conducts Massenet’s sensual score. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts at 5.40pm. Tickets £21 includes a complimentary drink on arrival. For more information and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
Charity Barn Dance: Saturday, October 26. Organised by Garden House Hospice. Do-si-do the night away at this traditional night of old-fashioned fun. At Knebworth Barns, Knebworth House, Old Knebworth Lane, SG3 6PY. Starts at 7.30pm. Tickets £25 includes a delicious hot buffet dinner. For more information and to book contact or call 01462 679540.
The Wind in the Willows Competition: Saturday, October 26 to Saturday, November 2. The wonderful team at Discover Letchworth are looking forward to The Wind in the Willows arriving at Broadway Theatre this Christmas! To celebrate, they are offering one lucky family the opportunity to win a £50 Broadway Cinema and Theatre gift card this half term! Simply collect an activity sheet from Discover Letchworth, spot where Toad, Ratty, Mole and Badger are hiding in the space and hand the completed sheet in for your chance to win. The winner will be selected at random and notified on 4 Nov. At Discover Letchworth, One Garden City, Broadway (next to Morrisons). Open 10am – 4pm Monday to Saturday.
Spooky Sunday: Sunday, October 27. Bring the family along for this spooky event. With arts and craft activities, family and children’s games, Xplorer Event, chalk mural, attractions and more. At Howard Park and Gardens, Norton Way South. From 1.30pm – 4.30pm.
Half-term Family Activities with Chantelle Stephenson: Monday, October 28 to Friday, November 1. Join local artist and educator, Chantelle Stephenson for hands-on family craft activities inspired by Letchworth history. Monday – Weaving Activity – inspired by Letchworth’s Arts & Crafts silk weavers, St Edmundsbury Weaving works. Tuesday – Making modelling-clay animals – inspired by photographs of pets and animals throughout Letchworth’s history – can you make a black squirrel? Wednesday – making model houses – are you a budding Barry Parker (Letchworth’s chief architect) can you design your perfect Letchworth house. Thursday – Halloween Fun – come and make some spooky creations. Friday – Make a door hanging for your house or miniature wooden people – can you create a story about someone who lived in Letchworth in the past? At the Museum at One Garden City, Broadway. From 11am – 2pm daily.
Creepy Crafts for Halloween: Monday, October 28 to Sunday November 3.
The devil makes work for idle hands… so keep them occupied with some uncanny undertakings this October half term! We’ve got something to appeal to all the little ghouls and boys out there, fun arts and crafts activities with just a shiver of Halloween fun! It’s a real spook-tacle! These craft sessions are included in normal entrance prices. At Standalone Farm, Wilbury Road. From 11.30am until 2.30pm. For more details call 01462 686775 or visit
Additional Needs Wellbeing Day: Monday, October 28. Join The Letchworth Centre in Partnership with NESSie and Angels Support Group for this relaxed but informative day. Book onto one or more free parent/carer workshops, meet with specialist therapists, services and a range of agencies. At The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. From 10.30am – 2.30pm. Drinks and a picnic lunch will be provided - or feel free to bring your own. Nourish Wholefood cafe will be open throughout the day. Join us for all, or just part of the day. Entry and sessions are free, booking is recommended due to limited places. To book visit
The Wind in the Willows Performing Arts Workshop: Tuesday, October 29. Come and join in a performing art ‘Wind in the Willows’ themed workshop at the Broadway Theatre. Working with the professional team behind this year’s Christmas production, this workshop for children will include fun theatre-based games, a chance to develop your own version of the classic characters and a Q&A session, where you can learn more about putting on a theatre show. At Broadway Theatre, Eastcheap. The workshop will take place in two sessions: 11am - 12pm - ages 6 – 9 and 1pm – 2pm - ages 10 -16. Tickets £5. Places are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment! For more information and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
LALG Textile Group – Rag rugs recycling cottons: Tuesday, October 29. Our friendly Letchworth Arts and Leisure Group meet up every month to create, make and experiment with a range of textile techniques and materials. At Digswell Arts, The Fenners Building, Openshaw Way. From 6pm – 8pm. Workshops £4 per person, includes refreshments and all materials. If you would like to join the group call 07917 542405 or email: New members very welcome.
Leonardo – The Works: Tuesday, October 29. Exhibition on screen: Leonardo da Vinci is acclaimed as the world’s favourite artist. Many TV shows and feature films have showcased this extraordinary genius but often not examined closely enough is the most crucial element of all: his art. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts 7.30pm. Tickets £13 includes a complimentary drink on arrival. For more information and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
Spooky Lantern Workshop: Thursday, October 31. Enjoy some frightfully good fun this half term at Garden Square’s FREE Spooky Lantern Workshop! Using a variety of materials and methods, children over the age of 3 can create their own haunting Halloween light to take home and keep. Supervision and guidance will be given during the event from our trained crafting staff. At Garden Square Shopping Centre, Central Approach. From 10am – 3pm. For more information visit
LALG - Everything European: Thursday, October 31. Britain’s Role in Europe – Where are we now? With speakers – East of England Lib Dems MEP Lucy Nethsingha and East of England Green MEP Catherine Rowett. Speaker from the Conservative and UKIP parties have been invited. At The Settlement, 229 Nevells Road. From 7.30pm. All welcome. Cost £3 LALG members, £4 non-members. For more information call Mandy on 01462 339438 or email Praful:
Letchworth Jazz Appreciation Society – Jazz? Singers: Thursday, October 31. Tony Sudweeks presents a programme of tracks by vocalists and invites discussion as to whether they are truly jazz singers. Later Chris Waldock presents a programme with another intriguing title – “Hello, is that Missing Persons?” At the In Conservative Club, 1 Birds Hill. Doors open at 7pm. Visitors and new members are always very welcome. More details from Bob Wright on 01462.454562, or just come along.
Willian Bowls Club Celebratory Dinner: Willian Bowls Club will be rounding off their Centenary year with a celebratory dinner at Letchworth Golf Club, Letchworth Lane, Letchworth Garden City SG6 3NQ on Monday, November 11. Past and present members would be most welcome to join them. For further information please contact Pauline Martin on 07899837868 by Monday, October 28.
The Broadway Plinth – Benjamin Cohen: The Weight of the Tongue: On now until Sunday, December 1. The Broadway Plinth is a new element to the gallery, a permanent fixture that will highlight single and small groupings of work by contemporary sculptors. At Broadway Studio and Gallery, 2 The Arcade. Open Wednesday to Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 10am – 4pm. For more information call 01462 476110 or visit
Cornelia Parker: One Day This Glass Will break: On now until Sunday, December 1. Southbank Centre’s Hayward Gallery Touring presents One Day This Glass Will Break, an exhibition of twenty large-scale photogravures by Cornelia Parker from three experimental series. At Broadway Studio and Gallery, 2 The Arcade. Open Wednesday to Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 10am – 4pm. For more information call 01462 476110 or visit