Here’s our round-up of some events over the coming week, compiled by the Local & Tourist Information Centre, also available in The Comet. For more information visit the Local & Tourist Information Centre’s website here.
Active Letchworth – Gentle Exercise: Today, Thursday and every other Thursday. Gentle seated exercise to music. Accessible for all abilities. At Edwin Nott, 18 Birds Hill. From 10.30am - 11.15am. To find out more and to book sessions call 01462 474838.
Forty Plus Cycling Club: Today, Thursday. This week’s ride is to Jordan’s Mill, with GCW. Next week’s ride is to Peters Green, with lunch at The Bright Star. Meet at 10.30am. At The Three Magnets, 18-20 Leys Avenue. For more details call Geoff, the rides organiser on 01582 618196.
NH50+ Monthly Forum: Today, Thursday, May 16. There will be a Home Fire Safety talk by a Baldock Fire Safety Officer, followed by a discussion with refreshments. At Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South. From 2pm – 4pm. Free entry for members, £2.00 for LALG members and £3.00 for non-members. Membership is £8. For more information call Sweenie on 01462 623515 or email or visit
Learn to Meditate: Today, Thursday. The start of a new six-week course giving an introduction to Buddhist meditation. At 7.30pm at the Friends Meeting House, Letchworth. Cost £30. More details from or 01462 621882.
Flight Pattern Triple Bill: Today, Thursday. Includes Within The Golden Hour, a new Cherkaoui World premiere and Flight Pattern. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts 7pm. Tickets £17 includes a complimentary drink on arrival. For more details and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
The Outstations of Bletchley Park: Today, Thursday. The Norton Community Archaeology Group present speaker Ronald Koorm. At Mrs Howard Hall, Norton Way South. At 7.30pm. Free admission and non-members are welcome.
St Michael’s Spring Fair: Saturday, May 18. Afternoon cream teas, raffle, plants, DVD’s & CD’s, clothes and accessories and more. All welcome, proceeds in aid of Parish Funds. At St Michael’s Parish Hall, Broadway. From 1.30pm to 4pm.
Family Yoga: Saturday, May 18. Family Yoga with Lydia Challis is based on the popular YogiMe class. These family yoga sessions (suitable for all ages 2 1/2 yrs +) are a lovely way to connect and spend time together as a family. The sessions combine stories, song and yoga poses and finish with time to relax and enjoy a calm space together with your children. At Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. From 3.30pm – 4.30pm. Cost £5 - free space for under 3’s. For more details and to book visit or call 01462 678804.
The 2nd Annual Dog Show: Sunday, May 19. Letchworth and Baldock Lions present their 2nd annual dog show. At Baldock Road Recreation Ground, Baldock Road. Registration opens at 9am, Pedigree classes start 10am and companion classes start 11am. Entry £2 for Pedigree classes and £1.50 for companion classes. For more details visit or call Darren or Dionne on 01462 768389 or 07488 349329.
Move and Embody the Chinese Five Elements: Sunday, May 19. Earth with Doe Warnes, Shiatsu massage and movement therapist/anatomy and physiology teacher. EARTH gives us the ability to digest our food, our thought and our live experiences. Through gentle movement, indoors and outdoors, you will explore intuitive connections between yourself and nature. This can release deep tension, reduce stress and improve mobility and vitality, leaving you feeling relaxed and centred. At Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. From 9.30am for 10am – 1pm. Cost £35 includes refreshments. For more details and to book visit or call 01462 678804.
Finding Stillness, Silence and Space: Sunday, May 19. A workshop with Sarah O’Connor, Senior BWY Teacher and Director of MindFlow Yoga Teacher Training. These workshops look at practices for developing our connection to the already existing stillness, silence and space within us, that rests at our heart centre. At Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. From 2pm for 2.30pm – 5.30pm. Cost £35 includes refreshments. For more details on the workshop and to book visit or call 01462 678804.
Who’s Afraid of Bitcoin: Sunday, May 19. Two presentations will be given to open up ideas around the way that the blockchain is changing many aspects of our lives. At Third Place, Eastcheap. Starts 7pm.
The Jive Aces: Sunday, May 19. The UK’s No.1 and world’s busiest swing and jive band, The Jive Aces present their biggest theatre show to date, the ‘Big Beat Revue’! At Broadway Theatre, Eastcheap. Starts 7.30pm. Tickets £20, concessions £18. For more details and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
Kingfisher Club: Monday, May 20. Howard Cottage Housing Association runs this club for local people who have low to moderate dementia or are socially isolated. Fun activities and games, plus light refreshments and a two course, nutritious lunch. At the Kingfisher Court, Southern Way. 10am – 3pm, cost is £15. For more information call 01462 683307.
Baby Rhyme Time: Monday, May 20. Baby Rhyme Times are fun sessions of songs and rhymes suitable for babies and toddlers of all ages. At Letchworth Library, Broadway. From 10.30am – 11am. Free event.
Herts Health Walks: Monday, May 20. Enjoy the countryside and local green spaces, with these free walks led by qualified volunteer leaders. Chose a stroll or a two mile walk. Meet at Three Magnets, Leys Avenue. At 10.30am. For more details visit or call 01992 588433. No booking required, just turn up.
Monthly EFT Group: Monday, May 20. Self-esteem with Tanya Lovett, an Advanced EFT Practitioner. This EFT group provides a safe and gentle space to free us from the emotional burdens that we all carry with us. It doesn’t matter if you know how to tap or not, you can just tap along with Tanya. Bring any issues you know are weighing you down or holding you back or tap along with the group’s theme. Each group will end with a self-affirming guided relaxation. At Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. From 7pm – 8.30pm. Session £15. For more details and to book visit or call 01462 678804.
Letchworth Chorale: Monday, May 20. Join this friendly group of singers performing a variety of music. No audition required! At Central Methodist Church Hall, Pixmore Way. Starts 7.30pm. Just turn up on the night. For more details visit
Ceroc Classes: Monday, May 20. Ceroc is a fusion of many dance forms including but not limited to Salsa, Ballroom, Latin American, Tango and Jive. A great way to meet people and keep fit too. Beginners’ lessons are at the start of the class. Starts 7.45pm. At Spirella Ballroom, Bridge Road. Sessions £8 plus £3 membership fee for first timers. For more details contact Alma Neville on 07710 409167 or email
Vintage Swing Dance Classes: Monday, May 20. Learn to swing dance, jitterbug and jive! Whether you are an absolute beginner with two left feet or a seasoned pro, these weekly swing dance classes have something for everyone. No partner or pre-booking required. At Brotherhood Hall, Gernon Road. From 8pm – 11pm. Admission £10 includes 2 classes, social/practice time and refreshments. For more details visit
Beginner’s Yoga: Tuesday, May 21. Learn the foundations of yoga in a clear and easy to follow class. At St Thomas Church Hall, 103 Bedford Road. From 7pm to 8pm. For more details and to book call Jodie on 07902 012598 or email
North Herts Road Runners: Tuesday, May 21 and Thursday. North Herts Road Runners is a lively, friendly and sociable running club with around 150 members that meet every Tuesday and Thursday. Meet at Spirella Building Reception, Bridge Road (Car Park entrance off Icknield Way). At 7:15pm. For more information visit or
Traditional-Style Egyptian Belly Dance: Tuesday, May 21. A weekly class where you can wiggle and shimmy your way to fitness. Whilst aimed at those with some experience, beginners are welcome to join. At Wilbury Hall, Bedford Road. From 8.15pm - 9.30pm. Drop-in £9.00, discounted fee available for block bookings. £5 first class. For more details contact Bridget Poulter,, 07766 086183 or visit
Herts Health Walks: Wednesday, May 22. Enjoy the countryside and local green spaces, with these free walks led by qualified volunteer leaders. Chose a stroll, one - two mile or three mile walk. Meet at St George’s Church Hall, Common View. At 10am. For more details visit or call 01992 588433. No booking required, just turn up.
Active Letchworth – Strength & Stretch: Wednesday, May 22. Maintain strength, flexibility and healthy joints. A variety of cardio, toning, mobility, strength and balance adapted to participants needs. At Broadway Gallery, 2 The Arcade. From 12pm – 12.40pm. For more details and to book sessions call 01462 474838.
Ruby Wax – How to be Human: Wednesday, May 22 and Thursday 23. We can’t stop the future from arriving, no matter what drugs we’re on. But even if nearly every part of us becomes robotic, mechanical fingers crossed we’ll still have our minds. At Broadway Theatre, Eastcheap. Starts 7.30pm. Ages