Here’s our round-up of some events over the coming week, compiled by the Discover Letchworth Centre, also available in The Comet. For more information visit Discover Letchworth website here.
Forty Plus Cycling Club: Today, Thursday. This week’s ride is to Kings Walden with lunch at The Strathmore Arms with GCW. Next week’s ride is to Gamlingay, with lunch at Woodview Farmshop. Meet at 10.30am. At The Three Magnets, 18-20 Leys Avenue. For more details call Geoff, the rides organiser on 01582 618196.
Duplicate Bridge Club: Today, Thursday. Try your hand at bridge at this weekly club. At The Cloisters, Cloister Road. From 1.15pm – 4.15pm. For more details call John Biggs on 01462 433393.
Willian Bowls Club Open Days: Today, Thursday and Tuesday August 20. Willian Bowls Club are 100 years old! Try Centenary Bowls at one of the clubs open days, with friendly tuition for new bowlers. At Lower Green, Norton Common, Icknield Way. Thursday 6pm – 8pm and Tuesday 2pm – 4pm. For more details call 01462 642790 or visit
Walking Netball: Today, Thursday. Slower paced social drop in. New group, beginners or experienced players. At St. Christopher School, Barrington Road. From 7pm – 8pm. Cost £4. Contact Lucy on 07834 500189 or
Rockin On Broadway: Friday, August 16. The national 1950s/60s Rock’n’Roll Fan Club present a night to be remembered. With Elvis Presley tribute Paul Dowsett and his jail house cats, Roy Orbison tribute Iain Sparks and Buddy Holly tribute Alan Aldridge. At Broadway Hotel, Broadway. Doors open at 7pm. Tickets £15 over 18’s only. For more information call 01462 48011.
Farmers Market: Saturday, August 17. The monthly Farmers Market selling locally produced meats, vegetables and other foodstuffs. In Leys Square. From 9am to 1pm
Howard Garden Social and Day Care Centre – Open Day: Saturday, August 17. With entertainment, refreshments, demonstrations, stalls and more. Join in a day of fun at Howard Garden Social and Day Care Centre, Norton Way South. From 10am – 2pm.
The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living Workshops and Classes: Saturday, August 17. Introduction to Pilates with Amanda Brosnan - This workshop will introduce you to the basic skills and principles of Pilates. From 10am - 11.30am. Cost £15. Drama Development for Adults Workshop with Emma Love. We will explore fun drama games and exercises as well as acting techniques along with simple movement to a musical number. From 10am – 1pm. Cost £30. Moving Mindfully Workshop with Judy Hammond. Join us for a peaceful afternoon of deep rest and conscious relaxation, soothing gentle movement on the floor and several interesting standing procedures for almost instant grounding, energy replenishment and safe toning for the leg, foot and deep core muscles. From 2pm – 5pm. Cost £30 including refreshments. At The Letchworth Centre for Living, Hitchin Road. For more details visit
YogiMe Summer Tea Party with Lydia Challis: Sunday, August 18. Yoga, games, guided meditations and live music to favourite Yoga songs. Bring the family and a picnic. (Not suitable for children under 2 1/2 yrs). At The Letchworth Centre for Living, Hitchin Road. From 11am – 2pm. Cost £10 per person or £35 per family of 4. For more details visit
Family Fun Day: Sunday, August 18. Fun for all the family with bouncy castle, ice cream, hot food, face painting, live music and open club house. At Letchworth Rugby Club, Baldock Road. From 12pm – 5pm. Free admission. All donations going towards Children with Cancer UK.
Bamboo Turtle - Zero Waste Workshop: Sunday, August 18. A talk, followed by practical activities, for those looking to become more conscious consumers. From 2-5pm. To find out more and to book visit
Herts Health Walks: Monday, August 19. Enjoy the countryside and local green spaces, with these free walks led by qualified volunteer leaders. Choose a stroll or a 2 mile walk. Meet at Three Magnets, Leys Avenue. At 10.30am. For more details visit or call 01992 588433. No booking required, just turn up.
Letchworth Heritage Bridge Club: Monday, August 19. Already a player. This group meet on Monday at 1pm. All players welcome, members £2.50, visitors £3.50. Also a relaxed learning group for beginners and improvers on Fridays at 9.30am. At Fortescue Hall, Pixmore Way (Broadway end). For more details call Marion Watkins on 01462 730289.
Flower Arranging: Monday, August 19. We are a very enthusiastic group who enjoy making pretty arrangements. Our skills vary considerably from complete novice to almost professional. We meet fortnightly at The Cloisters, Cloisters Road. From 2pm – 4pm. New members are welcome. For more details contact Angie on 01462 893441 or email:
Drama for Adults (Beginners) with Emma Love: Monday, August 19. A fun and informal workshop for those with either a desire to dip their toe in the water or to challenge themselves by progressing their acting skills in a non-pressurised environment. At The Letchworth Centre for Living, Hitchin Road. From 2pm - 4pm. Cost £20. For more details visit
Letchworth Chorale: Monday, August 19. Join this friendly group of singers performing a variety of music. No audition required! At Central Methodist Church Hall, Pixmore Way. Starts 7.30pm. Just turn up on the night. For more details visit
Ceroc Classes: Monday, August 19. Ceroc is a fusion of many dance forms including but not limited to Salsa, Ballroom, Latin American, Tango and Jive. A great way to meet people and keep fit too. Beginners’ lessons are at the start of the class. Starts 7.45pm. At Spirella Ballroom, Bridge Road. Sessions £8 plus £3 membership fee for first timers. For more details contact Alma Neville on 07710 409167 or email
Vintage Swing Dance Classes: Monday, August 19. Learn to swing dance, jitterbug and jive! Whether you are an absolute beginner with 2 left feet or a seasoned pro, these weekly swing dance classes have something for everyone. No partner or pre-booking required. At Brotherhood Hall, Gernon Road. From 8pm – 11pm. Admission £10 includes 2 classes, social/practice time and refreshments. For more details visit
Active Letchworth – Gentle Exercise: Tuesday, August 20. Gentle seated exercise to music. Accessible for all abilities. At Sax House, Western Close. From 10.30am - 11.15am. To find out more and to book sessions call 01462 474838.
North Herts Road Runners: Tuesday, August 20 and Thursday 22. North Herts Road Runners is a lively, friendly and sociable running club with around 150 members that meet every Tuesday and Thursday. Meet at Spirella Building Reception, Bridge Road (Car Park entrance off Icknield Way). At 7.15pm. For more information visit or
Onegin: Tuesday August 20. The LALG Opera and Ballet group will be watching this delightful ballet, Onegin, which nevertheless has a dramatic last Act. Created by John Cranko in 1965, it was only in 2018 that permission was granted for filming and the issuing of the DVD. At Letchworth Settlement, Nevells Road. Starts 7.15pm. LALG members £2:50, non-LALG members £3. For more information call 01438 241043.
Musical Mania: Wednesday, August 21 to Friday August 23. A BSPA (Britton School of Performing Arts) 3‑day workshop for children aged 6 to 18 years. Sing, dance and act in some of your favourite musicals from stage and screen. At Lordship Farm School, Fouracres. From 9.45am to 5.15pm. BSPA Students £80, non-BSPA students £90, £5 discount for siblings. £20 deposit required to secure a place. For more information call Lynsey on 07973 308741 or email
Herts Health Walks: Wednesday, August 21. Enjoy the countryside and local green spaces, with these free walks led by qualified volunteer leaders. Choose a stroll, 1 - 2 mile or 3-mile walk. Meet at St George’s Church Hall, Common View. At 10am. For more details visit or call 01992 588433. No booking required, just turn up.
Gentle Yoga and Meditation Class: Wednesday, August 21. Enjoy a gentle and relaxing yoga practice followed by a guided meditation. At St Michael’s Parish Hall, Broadway. From 10.30am – 11.45am. For more details and to book call Jodie on 07902 012598 or email or
Active Letchworth – Strength & Stretch: Wednesday, August 21. Maintain strength, flexibility and healthy joints. A variety of cardio, toning, mobility, strength and balance adapted to participants needs. At Broadway Gallery, 2 The Arcade. From 12pm – 12.40pm. For more details and to book sessions call 01462 474838.
Letchworth Ark: Thursday, August 22. A Community Drop-in Centre for homeless and vulnerable people. Offering practical and emotional support, including hot drinks, food, clothing and toiletries. At The Salvation Army, Norton Way North. From 9.30am – 11.30am. For more details call 01462 677263.
Active Letchworth – Gentle Exercise: Thursday, August 22. Gentle seated exercise to music. Accessible for all abilities. At Edwin Nott, 18 Birds Hill. From 10.30am - 11.15am. To find out more and to book sessions call 01462 474838.
Active Letchworth – Gentle Exercise: Thursday, August 22. Gentle seated exercise to music. Accessible for all abilities. At Hadleigh, Jackmans Estate. From 10am - 10.30am. For more details and to book call 01462 474838.
Kingfisher Club: Thursday, August 22. Howard Cottage Housing Association runs this club for local people who have low to moderate dementia or are socially isolated. Fun activities and games, plus light refreshments and a two course, nutritious lunch. At Macfadyon Webb House, Norton Way North. From 10am – 3pm. Cost £15. For more information call 01462 683307.
Active Letchworth – Gentle Exercise: Thursday, August 22. Gentle seated exercise to music. Accessible for all abilities. At Edwin Nott, 18 Birds Hill. From 10.30am - 11.15am. To find out more and to book sessions call 01462 474838.