Your guide to some events over the coming week in the Garden City complied by Discover Letchworth, also available in The Comet.
Art & Exhibitions
This Muddy Eden by Christopher Orr and Hannah Brown: On now until Sunday, April 26. Taking its title from a line in a book on Victorian Utopias, This Muddy Eden brings together two ostensibly figurative artists, Hannah Brown and Christopher Orr, who both draw from and play with conventions of art history. At Broadway Studio and Gallery, 2 The Arcade. Open Wednesday – Saturday 10am – 5pm, Sunday 10am – 4pm. For more information call 01462 476110 or visit
Other Exhibitions at Broadway Studio & Gallery : On now until Sunday, April 26.At Broadway Studio and Gallery, 2 The Arcade. Open Wednesday – Saturday 10am – 5pm, Sunday 10am – 4pm. For more information call 01462 476110 or visit
A Garden Futuricity – John Vincent: On now until Sunday, April 26. Taking inspiration from H.G. Wells’ ‘The Time Machine’, Ballard’s ‘Drowned World’ and Jarman’s ‘The Last of England’, A Garden Futuricity by artist John Vincent is a fictional construction of a future world ravaged by war and climate change. Set in Letchworth Garden City, the work poses the question: what if the global issues frequently reported finally reached this quiet town?
Bit Rot – Bob Bicknell-Knight. Broadway Studio and Gallery are delighted to present Bit Rot, a solo exhibition by artist, curator and writer Bob Bicknell-Knight.
Broadway Plinth: Forest – Rory Menage: “The word ‘forest’ inevitably denotes a romantic escape away from urbanity with its grime, fumes and noise. With these sculptures I am trying to make a clear connection between the tissue and structure of our bodies with that of trees.
Cathy Lomax – Star Bar: On now until Thursday, April 30. Working in collaboration with Broadway Gallery, a new and exciting exhibition space will be showcasing fantastic art work in the bar. At Broadway Cinema and Theatre, Eastcheap. Check opening times when booking. Free event, but tickets are required to monitor numbers. For more information and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
Architects of Letchworth — Elspeth McClelland: On until 31 March. Discover the stories behind the architects who made Letchworth. Get to know a new architect every three months throughout 2020 and beyond, with a series of changing displays exploring the people who designed and built the world’s first Garden City. This month’s architect is Elspeth McClelland. At The International Garden Cities Exhibition, 296,Norton Way South. Open Friday and Saturday from 10am to 5pm.
Health & Wellbeing
Feldenkrais - Free your neck, shoulders and spine with Juliana Brustik: Saturday, March 14. The Feldenkrais Method addresses our underlying patterns that cause everyday movements to become uncomfortable or even painful. Lying on a mat as well as sitting on a chair you follow easily accessible verbal instructions. Working always within your own personal comfort range you are invited to explore and discover new and more beneficial ways of moving and being. At The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. From 1.30pm - 5.30pm. Cost £38 per person includes refreshments by Nourish. For more information and to book call 01462 678804 or visit
Sound Bath: Saturday, March 14. Feel the need to unwind? Come join us for an hour of calming and relaxing sound meditation. You may wish to bring a blanket and pillow, so you can get comfy and let the bowls take you on your journey. At Evolve Life at Evergreen, 607 Works Road. Starts 6pm. Cost £10. For more information call 07446 030904, email Sara at or visit
5 Rhythms – Celebrate You as a Living Being: Sunday, March 15. In this 5Rhythms® workshop, we will explore what physical sensations are moving within, exploring the inner and outer landscapes that are within, becoming more aware of life moving through YOU. At The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. From 3.30pm – 6.30pm. Cost per person £30. Open to all, both beginners and experienced dancers of this practice. Time to DANCE! For more information and to book call 01462 678804 or visit
Sling Pop Up: Wednesday, March 18. Sling hire, expert advice and help with your own baby carrier. At The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Hitchin Road. Drop in from 10am to 12pm. Suggested donation £2 per family. For more details visit or email
Letchworth Macular Society Support Group: Wednesday, March 18. A local self-help support group for people with macular disease. At Salvation Army Hall, Norton Way South. From 1.15pm – 3.15pm. For more details call Gillian on 01462 631165.
Kids & Families
Who Let the Dads Out: Saturday, March 14. A group for Dads, Grandads and Father Figures to enjoy with their under 6’s. Pop along and enjoy a bacon roll, coffee and biscuits. Make some crafts and have a comfy seat! Usually ends with a story. Every second Saturday monthly. At St Paul’s Church, Pixmore Way. From 10am – 11.30am. For more details call Peter on 07986 709199.
LEGO Club: Monday, March 16. For ages 5 - 12 years, children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. At Letchworth Library, Broadway. From 4pm – 5pm. Cost £2 per session. Spaces are limited so booking essential. For more information call 0300 123 4049 or visit
Talks, Lectures and Tours
Hungary 1944-56: Monday, March 16. Retired haematologist Mihaly Saary left his native Hungary as the Soviets moved in to occupy the country. Having made a dramatic escape, he arrived in England as a 17 year old where he and his family had to make a new life. In this talk he will trace the development of Hungary from the end of WW2 to that dramatic time. At The Settlement, 229 Nevells Road. Starts 2pm. Tickets £8 available from The Settlement Office or online at
Letchworth and District Family History Group: Wednesday, March 18. Andy Gibbs from the British Schools Museum will talk on The Poor Child’s Friend — Joseph Lancaster’s educational revolution. At Upper Hall, Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South. Starts 8pm.Entry non-members £4, members £2.
Everything European — Influential Women in Europe and Beyond : Wednesday, March 18. A LALG group, with speakers Wafa Tarnowska and Annalisa Copnway . At The Settlement, the Brunt Room, Nevells Road, All are welcome, LALG members £3, non-members £4. Refreshments are available. For more information call Mandy on 01462 339438 or email Praful:
Letchworth District Gardeners Association - ‘365 Days of Colour’ with Nick Bailey: Thursday, March 19. During his 25-plus years in horticulture Nick Bailey has created and managed gardens on four continents. Seven of those years were spent as Head Gardener at London’s Chelsea Physic Garden, where he redesigned the gardens and diversified the plant collection. Nick is also a writer and entertaining public speaker. His second book, ‘365 Days of Colour in your Garden’ published in 2015, forms the basis of his talk for the evening. Nick will be suggesting plants for all soil types, conditions and locations to help us achieve a balanced and colourful display all year round. At The Cloisters, Barrington Road. From 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Tickets £10. For more information call 01462 621961 or email
Theatre, Film, Music & Dance
Letchworth Recorded Music Society - ‘John McCabe - pianist, composer, friend’: Friday, March 13. Featuring ‘John McCabe - pianist, composer, friend’ by Paul Adrian Rooke. At The Settlement, 229 Nevells Road. Starts at 7.30pm. Guests £2.50. For more details call Judie on 01462 632171 or visit
Pop Divas Live!: Saturday, March 14. Get ready for the best songs from all your favourite female stars in one fabulous fun packed show. Ages 5+. At Broadway Theatre, Eastcheap. Starts 3pm. Tickets £15. For more details and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
Der Fliegende Hollander: Saturday, March 14. The great bass-baritone Sir Bryn Terfel returns to the company for the first time since 2012, in the title role of the cursed sea captain doomed to sail the open ocean for eternity. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts 4.40pm. Tickets £21 includes a complimentary drink on arrival. For more information and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
Saturday Night Dances: Saturday, March 14. Ballroom – Latin – Sequence, music by Janice. At Spirella Ballroom, Bridge Road. From 7.30pm to 10.30pm. Entry is £7.50 per person. For further information contact Jan on 01462 628247 or 07811 053648 or visit
North Herts Irish Association - St Patrick's Day Dance: Saturday, March 14. Come and join Mustang at the Jackmans Community Centre for an evening of fun. At Jackmans Community Centre, Ivel Court. From 8pm. Tickets members NHIA and JCC £6, non-members £7. You are welcome to bring your own food. For more information call Pat on 07725 913594.
Letchworth Film Club - Lean on Pete: Sunday, March 15. This month’s film club screening is Lean on Pete. A young boy embarks on a perilous journey in search of his long-lost aunt and a possible home, his only companion the stolen racehorse Lean on Pete. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts 7.45pm. Ticket information Guests £5 (Pay on door), Concessionary Guests £4 (pay on door).
Annual membership £33, concessions and LALG members £28. For more details call Peter on 01462 671679 or visit
Fidelio: Tuesday, March 17. Beethoven’s only opera is a masterpiece, an uplifting story of risk and triumph. In this new production, conducted by Antonio Pappano, Jonas Kaufmann plays the political prisoner Florestan, and Lise Davidsen his wife Leonore (disguised as ‘Fidelio’) who daringly sets out to rescue him. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts 7pm. Tickets £18 include a complimentary drink on arrival. For more information and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
Town & Community Events
Open Door Coffee Morning: Thursday, March 12. Coffee Morning with free refreshments and a warm welcome. Visit our beautiful church. The second church building on our site, of The First Church in Letchworth Garden City. At Letchworth Free Church, Norton Way South. From 10.30am - 12pm.
Letchworth Parish Hall - Lent Lunches: Friday, March 13. Come and enjoy homemade soup, coffee, tea and a friendly chat. All proceeds in aid of the Parish of Letchworth Funds. At Letchworth Parish Hall, Broadway. From 12pm - 2pm. For more information visit
Bridge Drive: Friday, March 13. Letchworth Howard Rotary Club aims to make Friday the 13th a lucky day for Letchworth Garden City Hospice Care by dealing them a winning hand at its annual bridge drive. The hospice will be the principal beneficiary from the event with other Rotary charities also benefiting. At The Settlement, 229 Nevells Road. Starts 2pm. Tickets, including tea, £8.50 per person (£34 for a table of four). For more information and to book call Alan on 01462 685448 or email
Charity Ball: Friday, March 13. A Charity Ball in aid of “Action on Pre-eclampsia” and “Alzehimer’s Research UK”. Three course meal followed by dancing until late. At Letchworth Rugby Club, Baldock Road. From 7.30pm for 8pm sit down. Tickets £30. All proceeds going towards Karen and Helen who are running the Virgin Money London Marathon. For more information call Karen on 07760 883170.
The Letchworth 10 - Week 9 – Most Wonderful Mechanical Machine: Saturday, March 14. Week 9 of the most crazy and funniest competitions… ever! Warning: May contain nuts! £500 cash prize. At The Arcade and The Wynd. From 11am – 3pm. Free entry prior to event. Entry on the day £10. Open to all. For more information visit
Quiz Night: Saturday, March 14. Get your teams of six together to take part in a Quiz Night organised by Letchworth Sports and Tennis Club’s social committee. At Letchworth Sports and Tennis Club, Muddy Lane. Starts 7.30pm. Cost £7.50 per person which includes a fish ’n’ chip supper. You can book by calling reception on 01462 675444.
Cycle Maintenance Course: Monday, March 16. A four week practical cycle maintenance course for up to eight participants covering fault finding, adjustments, basic maintenance, repairs and get you home needs for non-electric bikes. Participants must bring their bicycles with them. At Central Methodist Church (Norton room), 109 Pixmore Way. From 7.30pm – 9pm. Cost £15. A £5 deposit is required to secure your place. To book email or visit Discover Letchworth, One Garden City, Broadway ( next to Morrisons). Early booking recommended.
Science Book Group: Wednesday, March 18. Are you a book worm that is interested in science? If so this Letchworth Arts and Leisure Group could be for you. Six Impossible Things: ‘the Quanta of Solace’ and the Mysteries of the Subatomic World by John Gribbin. The book is available via Herts Libraries and David’s Bookshop, Eastcheap. If you have not read the book, still come along. There is no charge. At Broadway Hotel Bar, Broadway. Starts 7.30pm. for more information visit