Here’s our round-up of some events over the coming week, compiled by the Local & Tourist Information Centre, also available in The Comet. For more information visit the Local & Tourist Information Centre’s website here.
Letchworth Ark: Today, Thursday. A Community Drop-in Centre for homeless and vulnerable people. Offering practical and emotional support, including hot drinks, food, clothing and toiletries. At The Salvation Army, Norton Way North. From 9.30am – 12pm. For more details call 01462 677263.
Forty Plus Cycling Club: Today, Thursday. This week’s ride is to Harpenden, with lunch at The Red Cow. Next week’s ride is to Bassingbourn, with lunch at The Hoops. Meet at 10.30am. At The Three Magnets, 18-20 Leys Avenue. For more details call Geoff, the rides organiser on 01582 618196.
Charles Rennie Mackintosh: Today, Thursday. Anthea Streeter will give an illustrated lecture to The Arts Society North Hertfordshire on Charles Rennie Mackintosh. At Spirella Ballroom, Bridge Road. Lectures at 11am and 2pm. Visitors £7. For more details visit
LALG Whist Club: Today, Thursday. Join this Letchworth Arts and Leisure Group for a friendly and fun weekly whist drive. New members of all levels welcome. At Letchworth Free Church Hall, Norton Way South. Starts 7.15pm. For more details call David on 01462 636373.
Hitchin and Letchworth RSPB Local Group: Friday, February 2. Andy Clements, CEO of The British Trust for Ornithology will give a talk on ‘Birds in the Landscape’. At The Settlement, 229 Nevells Road. Starts 7.30pm. For more details visit All welcome.
Winter Market: Saturday, February 3.Homemade cakes and marmalade, bric-a-brac, clothes, toys, books, cards and refreshments. Children’s activity table. At Letchworth Free Church Hall, Norton Way South. From10.00am to 11.30am. Free admission and parking. All welcome.
Wilbury Community Café: Saturday, February 3. Free cuppas and cakes, family play sessions, yoga, Maths Matters and Youth Council activities. Also bike surgery with Frank. Everyone welcome. At Wilbury Hall, Bedford Road. From 10.45am to 12.30pm. Free.
Archive Tour: Saturday, February 3. Your chance to discover some of the fascinating stories behind Letchworth’s historical artefacts with a guided tour. At Garden City Collection, Wilbury Hills Road. From 11am to 12.30pm. For more details and to book call 01462 476075 or visit
St. Michael's Messy Church: Saturday, February 3. Pop along and join in the fun and learn about creation. At St. Michael's Church Parish Hall, Broadway. From 3.30pm to 5.30pm. For more details call Jackie on 01462 484914 or Fr. Paul on 01462 684822.
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: Saturday, February 3. A thrilling adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s dark psychological fantasy. At Broadway Theatre, Eastcheap. At 7.30pm. Tickets £16, concessions £14. Ages 11+. For more details and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
Saturday Social Dance: Saturday, February 3. Come along for an evening of Sequence and Ballroom dancing. At Letchworth Free Church Hall, Norton Way South. From 7.30pm to 10pm. Admission £5.00. Everyone welcome. For more details call Janice on 07766 685679.
Sunday Ramble – Benington East: Sunday, February 4. Join Letchworth Natural History Society for a walk down Duck Lane and by The Old Bourne River, back by Burn’s Green with a chance of snowdrops in the churchyard. Meet at Church of Saint Peter Benington, Stevenage at 10am. Ref TL 296 235. Bring a packed lunch and drink for the day. For more details contact Alan Draper, Rambles Secretary on 01438 313031.
Letchworth Film Club: Sunday, February 4. This month’s film club screening is ‘Manhattan’. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts at 7.45pm.Guests £5, concessionary guests £4 on the door. For more details call Peter on 01462 671679 or visit
Letchworth Heritage Bridge Club: Monday, February 5. At Fortescue Hall, Pixmore Way, (Broadway end). Central Letchworth with parking. Every Monday at 1.00pm. All players welcome, members £2.50, visitors £3.50. Also a relaxed learning group for beginners and improvers on Fridays at 10.00am. For more details call Marion on 01462 730289.
Ceroc Classes: Monday, February 5. A great way to meet people and keep fit too. Beginner’s lessons are at the start of the class. Starts 7.45pm. At Spirella Ballroom, Bridge Road. Sessions £8 plus £3 membership fee for first timers. For more details contact Michaella Walker on 07801 734268 or at
North Herts Community Coffee Bar: Tuesday, February 6 and Friday 9. Drop in for a coffee and a chat at this weekly coffee bar. Hot refreshments available, plus buttered toast, soup, snacks and soft drinks are also available. At The Brotherhood Hall, Gernon Road. From 9.30am – 11.30am. For more details call 01462 689400 or visit
Moving Through Life – Creative Dance Group: Tuesday, February 6 and Thursday 8. Get moving, be creative and express yourself. Weekly classes for those who want to dance and move, without the pressure to perfect a style or technique. At Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South. Thursday from 12.30pm - 1.30pm term time only. With a traditional style Egyptian belly dance class held on a Tuesday from 8.15pm - 9.30pm. £6 per class, first class £3. For more details and to book call Bridget on 07766 086183 or email or
The 1859 Revival: Tuesday, February 6. Christchurch Baldock Minister Chris Jenkins will be giving a talk on the 1859 Revival; a period in time when the Christian faith flourished. At Letchworth Free Church, Norton Way South. Starts at 7.30pm. Tea and coffee will be served.
Historical Tour of The Cloisters and High Tea: Wednesday, February 7. Enjoy a tour of this fabulous building followed by High Tea and a complimentary glass of Prosecco. At The Cloisters, Barrington Road. At 1pm. Admission £18. To pre book and pay before January 29 call 01462 678059 or email
Citizens Advice North Herts - Energy Clinic: Wednesday, February 7. It is now easier than ever to choose the best energy deal. Find out how by bringing your bill to this weekly drop in clinic and be switched to a better deal. At Citizens Advice, 49 Station Road. From 1pm - 3pm.
Tosca: Wednesday, February 7. Royal Opera House Cinema: Drama, passion and fabulous music - Puccini’s operatic thriller is one of the great opera experiences. At Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap. Starts 7pm. Tickets £16, including a complimentary drink on arrival. For more details and to book call 01462 681088 or visit
North Herts Organ Society: Wednesday, February 7. Enjoy all kinds of music, played by professional electronic organists, on the first Wednesday of the month. At The Icknield Centre, Icknield Way. Doors open 7pm, concert starts 7.30pm. Entry £5 members, visitors £6. For more information or to book call Jean 01462 683604.
North Herts Association of the National Trust: Wednesday, February 7. The Work of the Historic Houses Association. A talk by an HHA Speaker. At Christchurch, Bedford Road, Hitchin. Starts at 7.30 pm. Non-members welcome, £2 on the door. For more details contact the Secretary Mrs Colette House email:
Open Door Coffee Morning: Thursday, February 8. Come and visit our beautiful building. Free refreshments and a warm welcome. At Letchworth Free Church, Norton Way South. From 10.30am to 12.00pm.
Highfield and Fearnhill 2018 Art Exhibition: On now until Saturday, February 24. The sixth form art students of Highfield and Fearnhill School present their annual art show. At the Community Museum, The Arcade. Open Thursday and Friday 10am – 12pm, Saturday 11am – 2pm.