Testing times ahead for our TIC project

First came the user needs, then there was the journey mapping, which was swiftly followed by the service blueprinting. All of which has led us to this point in our service design project for our Local and Tourist Information Centre; prototyping and testing.

In Alice’s previous blog, you’ll have learned that we’ve now mapped out the various user journeys people take when interacting with the TIC. What we’ve since been tasked with, is to focus on a few of those journeys and what new services might appeal to those users.

For example, if you use the TIC to help promote the events you run in your local group, what would make that experience easier? Perhaps it’d be some kind of online submission tool, or being able to upload information on to digital displays dotted across town? Well, it’s these kind of ideas we now want to test with you.

Using such hi-tech pieces of equipment like cardboard and plywood, we’ve created some prototype services for people to test, showing us how well they may work and what further developments we could make.

Come and test our ideas

Throughout this process, in our adopted home in the Arcade, we’ve been asking for and getting some great feedback from community members and staff alike. Now we’d like to get some more.

On Tuesday 27 March, we’ll be opening the doors of Unit 6 in the Arcade next to Nanny Julie’s, for people to come and test our prototypes.

We’ll be running a session from 1-2pm for pre-arranged testing slots and then another from 3-4:30pm which will be an open session for anybody to drop by.

Whether you’re new to Letchworth, young or old, interested in what you can do in town or what our TIC can do for you, please come down and get involved in some fun and interesting testing.

We’d love to see you there. Help us make the new information centre as great and useful a place to visit as possible. 

If you want to help us test our prototypes please contact the TIC at tic@letchworth.com