The grants committee met on Friday 13 May to discuss the latest applications and get updates on some of the longer funding commitments that the Foundation has made.
One of these funding commitments is Acorns Activities, a community-based group for families with children aged 2 – 5 years old. Acorns shared with the committee how across 2021/22 they have linked to the Broadway Gallery and Museum @ 1GC to deliver activities.
Successful grant applications included:
- Kings Community Church were granted £3,400 to install security features, new fencing, and a sunlight awning for their food hub. This food hub has been regularly helping families on the Jackmans Estate to access long life food supplies and was created in 2021 with help from the Foundation, North Herts District Council, support from the Food Rescue Hub, the NEED project and help from volunteers in the community.
- £7,500 was awarded to Resolve, a charity that works with people to stop the cycle of misuse and works to help clients to make a new life, substance free. The Foundation has pledged to support this charity next year also.
- Stevenage & North Hertfordshire Child Contact Centres have received £3,250 to help with the running costs of their centre in Letchworth. Child Contact Centres are an option when a family needs structured intervention.
- Letchworth Festival was awarded £6,938 for the live music and family-based activities taking place in Howard Park this year.
The deadline for the next round of applications is 1 July with the next meeting on July 29.