Gardening Blog: Busy autumn for our Landscaping team

Autumn is one of the busiest time in the gardening calendar, it’s all about preparation in readiness for next spring/ summer. Because of the warm wet weather we’ve had recently, we’re still busy cutting grass and having to fit in the meadow cutting and hedge cutting across the town, which normally doesn’t need to be done so regularly at this time of year.

Last year we tried a new method of cutting the meadow at Radwell and we were really pleased with the results when it came to the spring and summer, so now we are trying to replicate our success at Hillbrow and at a small meadow in Wymondley Wood, but we will have to wait under the spring to see whether this plan has worked.

Working on the meadow this time of year is great fun. We get to watch the birds of prey, Red Kites, Kestrels and Buzzards flying over the meadow looking for a feast. It’s great to see this all happening around us and show the great ecosystem that we have in Letchworth with the wildlife and open spaces.

This time of year is also great to walk around the Greenway, as there is plenty of autumn colour around to look at. It’s very similar to spring in the sense that each day, you will find something different to look at or enjoy. We still have plenty of work to do on the Greenway over the coming weeks to get it ready for spring though, so let hope the weather holds a bit longer!

Steve Howells runs the ARCH Community Group