Community Consultation – LG3

This page includes the latest information about the proposed residential development east of Kristiansand Way and Talbot Way and to the north of Flint Road here.

The site is allocated for housing for approximately 120 new homes as part of the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011-31 which is being led by North Hertfordshire District Council (NHDC).

The Foundation has invited residents to share their views on this proposed development (referred to as LG3), which we are promoting as part of our housing strategy to deliver new homes in Letchworth Garden City. 

Latest on Local Plan

The Local Plan Public Examination was closed by the Inspector in February 2021. He is now considering final details and submissions from local residents before he comes to his decision this year on the legal ‘soundness’ of the plan. This means the Local Plan is nearing the final stages. 

Preparing for 2021

To prepare for the scenario that the Local Plan is adopted, we have been formulating initial details for this development, so we can submit an outline application that will allow NHDC to consider the principle of the development.

Site principles

The proposed scheme will provide high quality, flexible accommodation for both private and affordable housing. It will be within a landscaped setting, leading to a substantial increase in tree planting with a net gain in biodiversity, retaining practically all the existing tree and young woodland planting on the boundaries of the site. It will provide open space within the development, including play equipment. It will encourage access to public footpaths and Greenway, and will be carefully designed to sit well within the landscape.

Community engagement

In 2019, we ran the second of our town-wide discussions about the housing sites under our ownership that may come forward as part of the NHDC's Local Plan. This included various activities in the town, an opportunity to submit comments online, and an event for residents at the Three Horseshoes in Norton to talk specifically about this site. The proposed layout was generally supported in these discussions. As part of these conversations, we asked what the most important elements of the development should be. The following scored highest:

  • Affordable housing
  • Local highways improvements
  • Links to the countryside
  • Parks and green space
  • Sufficient car parking
  • Links to Norton

A particular concern has been expressed about the relationship of the development proposals with current problems of traffic queuing for the recycling centre. 

A further advice note has been issued to the County and District Councils, which includes additional traffic survey information not included in the original submission.

This shows traffic levels prior to the current pandemic, which supports the view that in normal circumstances the development can co-exist with the existing activities on Blackhorse Road and Flint Road. 

We have also been in discussion with the County Council about the recycling centre to understand the measures that they are applying to meet Covid requirements and how this leads to additional traffic queues. 

Should the principle of the development be agreed, we will be working with the Council to formulate a construction management plan that will manage construction vehicle movements to avoid the busiest times at the recycling centre and peak traffic flows.

What happens next?

We have submitted an outline planning application to NHDC (February 2021). This includes details of the vehicular access, along with an illustrative layout and design brief. There is also a series of technical reports such as transport, noise, ecology, archaeology and ground conditions.

You can view the application and accompanying documents on the Council's website.

If outline planning permission is granted, a further planning application will be submitted which will include the detailed design of the development and a construction management plan which will be subject to further consultation by the Council. This will also be shared on this page. 

To find out more about the previous consultations, please click here